November 11, 2008

.a fresh start

the other night, a good friend of mine sent me a conversation he was having with a friend of him whose in the fashion industry. he then asked me was there a way other than myspace where she'd be able to view what i've made so far. with the e-stalker and negative bits of bull that i was feeding into, i realized that now would be a good time to close that chapter for good and start over. i'm not longer going to acknowledge this female or anything else with a negative vibe. the whole point of my blog was to journal what i go through as a single mother trying to live out my dream of becoming a fashion designer. i went off topic quiet a few times with the things that i let get the best of me. this time will be different.

i noticed from my stats on the old blog that people were googling certain things like "how to fashion sketch",and "how to make..." and google brought them to my blog. being the people pleaser i tend to be at times, i'll do my best to add tutorials of my own and by others.

so welcome to my less personal journal/portfolio/tutorial blog.


  1. In with the old and out with the new, I say.

    Can't wait for you to show the world the skills I've seen in you since we were kids.

    Keep your head up and keep up the good work.


  2. For the longest I had no idea who Modisto was. Blogger was acting a donkey at work. Glad to see you back up and running. I want to sew, can a little, but only to make moderations to my clothes and things of that nature.

  3. fresh starts are always good :-)and yay for the new design tutorials, im sure you could teach me a thing or two.
