November 20, 2008

.inner conflicts

for some time, i sat and looked at this and recked my brain over what i was going to make. the funny thing is, i have 5 different garments that had that "wow factor" to me. once i was behind my sewing machine, the feeling was gone. all of a sudden, i wasn't satisfied anymore. i ended up making a bubble shirt that hangs off one shoulder but i am so displeased with it that i refuse to post it! i don't know why i am so hard on myself! i always seem to get great comments about the things that i make but being my own worse critic, i am never happy. i've even had a few people ask me to make them something but me being me, that self confidence and cynical thinking holds me back. i can't explain why i am so hung up on this feeling like people should look at what i make and ask "how did she do that". i guess i shouldn't look at that as a complete problem. at least i'll always push myself to do better.

i am stuck in this "make dresses" phase. high-waisted skirt dresses, ruffled dresses, shirt dresses... you name it, my heart is telling me to make it. so why not make them?? because i don't want to be known as the chick who only makes dresses! plus they all seem to look alike to me!!

maybe i need to sleep on it.


  1. more dresses!!!! lol, actually you should make some mens clothes. That would be cool.

  2. men's clothes are too complex! ya'll are hard to shop for so designing for ya'll is an even harder task!
