November 16, 2008

.tee to trendy

this was one of my very first D.I.Y projects. the stripe shirt was a 1x shirt that my step-sister never wore. when it was given to me, it still had tags on it. since it was ugly with no real shape to it, i cut it up and made a mini turtleneck dress. LOL i know i look like something out the 70's!

what i did::.

1. cut off the sleeves.(i didn't but it looks better if you do.) then i put the XL shirt on inside out and pinned it so that it fit my breast and back but still gave myself breathing room. i marked 2inches below my breast so i knew where to cut.

2. after i took the shirt off, i placed it flat onto a table and cut just below where i marked. sew up the sides. careful not to sew too much of the arm holes.

3. put the shirt back on and measure from right below the breast to where you want the dress to stop.allow 2 extra inches for the seam allowance. also measure around the body for perfect fit, pin and sew. sometimes it is easier to just cut according to the length and wrap it around the body, pin and sew. the lazy way. lol

4. at this point, you should have a top and a bottom. put both pieces on inside out and attach with pins. carefully take it off and sew.

5. you can either use the sleeves that you cut off or create new sleeves. to create new sleeves, measure around the arm and the length from the shoulder to where you want your sleeves to stop. again, 2in seam allowance. using a fabric chalk or washable pencils, mark the fabric according to the measurements you came up with. cut. fold the fabric one time and pin down one side of the fold. if you put the pinned fabric on, it should fit the way you want. if not, move the pins in a little further for a tighter fit and sew. hem the bottom. repeat for other sleeve.

6. with the dress inside out, turn the sleeve inside out and place the sleeve through the armhole from the inside so that the room left for the seam allowance matches up. pin and carefully sew. repeat.

7. cut around the collar. measure the width of your neck and the length you'd like. mark onto fabric but make sure you leave enough room for the seam allowance and so you can get it over your head. with the fabric laying flat, right side down, fold the top (across) to about an inch. sew across. fold the fabric so it forms the collar. pin and sew. before you attach it, make sure you can get it over your head. which you should if you are using stretch fabric.

8. like the sleeves. place the collar (right side out) into the dress (inside out) matching the seam allowance with the edges of the neck hole. sew half and inch to an inch below the edge of the fabric.

9. before turning the dress right side out, hem the bottom and you're done!

sounds complicated but it really wasn't. side note *** you can use a shirt that its you but it leaves very little room to fix your mistakes. any questions or concerns. let me know.

use a shirt that fits but that leaves very little room to fix your mistakes.


  1. nice.. making a dress out of your mans t-shirts.. lol

    Good job though I would have never guessed it was a regular old tee.

  2. thanks! it was my step-sister's shirt. she thinks she is a man so in some ways you're

  3. you are fantastic!

    love your style!!!

    a kiss :)
