December 23, 2008

.qui illustrated

a while back, i came across this great artist. i was so impressed with his skills that i asked him to do something for me to use on my blog. and this is what he sent me! i am so in love with this! as soon as i have the time, i am going to change my blog around and add this as my header. thanks again Justin!!


as tired as i am and as early as i have to be up, i really should be sleep but something won't let me rest. the last few nights, i've found myself thinking more and more about my clothes. i've realized a few things and came to a few conclusions. i've come to realize that i am a little too hard on myself. i really don't give myself enough credit for the clothes that i make. i mean, i'v had NO school training, and i don't use patterns. one day i asked for a sewing machine and got one for xmas that same year. i got some fabric and looked very closely at a shirt that i loved and figured out how it was made. i can look at a garment and tell you how many pieces it took to make it and sometimes i can put something together in just a few short hours with no flaws! so why am i my own worse critic? i've even thought about ending this blog because i think it lacks what people are interested in. with the kind of month i've had, it could be just stress taking over. so i wish everyone who reads this, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND PLEASE BE SAFE!


  1. yeah..its quite important to cut urself some slack and give yourself credit for the talent you have.

    and that was a cute illustration he mad ^_^

  2. Ran across your spot. You are talented! Keep that dream alive. I'm not sure what your day job is but designing clothes is in your blood.

    Good luck with it.
